Your anything but ordinary asset manager
As a real estate investor you are always looking for the highest possible return. What you don't need are departing tenants and vacant properties. And one thing is certain: traditional rental and asset management strategies won't solve these problems. What does work is cutting-edge asset management with an anything but ordinary approach!
Asset management is more than just renting properties and maintaining contacts. I put this insight into practice at ProVIP and quickly became the go-to diversified asset management specialist. Through ProVIP I have repeatedly demonstrated that business can be conducted more effectively and more profitably. It always yields win-win situations. Real estate investors can count on the highest achievable returns, while tenants can rest assured that properties will meet all their wishes and demands. The result is that tenants are not just satisfied, but loyal too.
Based on more than 20 years of experience, I know the real estate branch inside out. Over the years I have built up an extensive and valuable network that I am able to utilize effectively. In addition I have developed a flawless intuition for the marketing and conceptual aspects of real estate. Using these skills and concentrating my network forces I have endowed ProVIP with a significant and unique power to stand out in the world of commercial real estate.
My approach to developing and rolling out concepts is primarily project-based. But I also offer short- and long-term support for situations when permanent staff are unavailable or during periods of exceptionally high workloads. I have a hands-on mentality and I'm adept and experienced in all aspects of asset management, from essential desk work all the way up to closing deals. My objective is always to provide as much peace of mind as possible for my clients.
Anything but ordinary. That's what makes ProVIP an attractive and interesting partner for real estate clients. I would be happy to arrange an exploratory meeting to explain how I can also make the difference for you, through ProVIP.
Specialisms: commercial asset management (ongoing as well as interim), concept development, real estate marketing, commercial property rentals, valuation of commercial real estate, support of due diligence processes, (re)structuring real estate portfolios.

Dedicated to make the difference
"Dedicated to make the difference. That pretty much characterizes who I am and how I work. Throughout my life this drive has pushed me to approach things differently from others. It has taught me that you often accomplish more if you're prepared to stray off the beaten path.
This dedication to making the difference stood me in good stead when I entered the world of real estate. Initially I started working as an estate agent for residential properties. But I quickly realized my approach was different from the approach of most residential estate agents. For example, I was more focused on the value of the property as an investment than on whether it would make a pleasant and comfortable home. So, logically, I transitioned to commercial real estate. The extensive expertise and experience I gained in positions such as appraiser and asset manager proved to be extremely valuable when I established ProVIP in 2009.
Through ProVIP I aim to serve as the professional and service-oriented link between landlords and tenants in commercial real estate. My objective is always to achieve the highest possible return for real estate investors. Without neglecting the interests of tenants and users. Creating enthusiasm among parties, paying attention to everyone's interests, building and maintaining relationships, that's what it is all about and I really enjoy doing.
Sometimes putting a property back on the map requires something extra. In that case I will persevere relentlessly to come up with a distinctive concept. I will propose a target group to focus on and how best to approach it. And yes, I will often have a very emphatic opinion and I'm not afraid of adopting a playful approach.
But would you expect anything else from someone who is dedicated to making the difference?"

“To the point, tenacious, focused and committed to the job”
As a client in various asset management business, I know Joyce as a highly professional, prompt and honest agent / interim manager. To the point, tenacious, focused and committed to the job. In addition she's also fun.
“Her professional and honest attitude combined with her personal drive have led to very good results”
I joyfully worked with Joyce on the 'T Slag’-project in Rotterdam. Her professional and honest attitude combined with her personal drive have led to very good results. Accurate, targeted and attention to detail are characteristic aspects of her attitude. A team player with the right sense of humour who proved to be a vital asset.
“The results of her efforts were astonishing; leased by 100% before completion!”
Joyce was commissioned by Havensteder for rental to rent Multifunctional Service Center 't Slag. The results of her efforts were astonishing; leased by 100% before completion! Joyce is a craftswoman who stands for results without losing integrity and the bigger picture.
“A hard working and disciplined real estate professional”
I know Joyce as a hard working and disciplined commercial real estate professional. She is an experienced property/ asset-manager with a lot of knowledge. A nice, funny, dedicated and commercial person which I could recommend within any team and commercial real estate company.
“Focussed on result, ambitious, a real networker”
I know Joyce as a person who is focussed on result, ambitious, a real networker, with a very positive social attitude. Top qualities: Personable, Expert , Good Value
“I have experienced Joyce to be professional, persistent and knowledgeable”
I haven’t worked very long with Joyce and that is a shame. During this period however I have experienced Joyce to be professional, persistent and knowledgeable. A real (Real) estate professional in many fields. She manages to deal with large volumes of information to produce a sound valuation or appraisal of complex properties. She shows skills in all types of property transactions such as letting, hiring, buying or selling. She also has a clear view on portfolio mixes to optimize between risk and return and her reports are clear and to the point. I strongly recommend Joyce for any real estate challenge you might have.”
“Creative solutions for complex issues”
I got to know Joyce as a driven and professional woman. She helped Annexum by coming up with creative solutions for complex issues. Furthermore she is very sociable and maintains good contact with tenants.
“Driven, smart, steadfast, commercial and persistent”
As commercial director at Chalet I have worked with Joyce for over 3 years. During this period she functioned as an external asset manager, responsible for a number of properties within the portfolio. I got to know her as a friendly and capable woman, very pleasant to work with. She is passionate, smart, steadfast, commercial and persevering.
“Her energy and her courage for a creative approach”
Stadgenoot hired Joyce for a short project where extra hands and a different approach were needed. Joyce has taken up the project with great verve and energy and lead in into the right direction. Joyce had a focus on both the main aspects and the details and therefore it did not stick at advices and plans. What characterizes Joyce is her energy and her courage for a creative approach.
“Humour and team player”
At Stadgenoot Joyce was a highly skilled, hard-working colleague. Her efficient and independent way of working as interim commercial advisor in combination with her humour and team spirit made her a tremendous addition to our team.
“She’s a real (estate) craftswoman with a keen eye for detail”
During my period at Diephuis Partners I enjoyed working with Joyce. She is a real (estate) craftswoman with a keen eye for detail. Her productivity and efficiency are of a very high level. Coupled with extensive knowledge and experience she is of real value to a team.
“Prepared to make changes. A pleasant woman to work with”
Over the years I got to know Joyce as a passionate real estate professional. Decisive with an opinion. Insight into the subject of real estate. Prepared to make changes. A pleasant woman to work with.

Joyce Bruijn- +31(0)6-50515759+31(0)6-50515759
- joyce@provip.nl
- Linkedin Profiel
- Btw: NL83116817.B.01
- Kvk: 58628045
- Bank: NL91KNAB0207059705